We’re in #PropertyNL!
News 01/09/2022
We’ve been profiled in an exclusive article about our journey into a strong Dutch development and investment platform across all sectors in such a short space of time. 🚀
Maurits Smit and Michiel Dubois, Managing Directors of GARBE Netherlands, are defiant: “Yes, the economic environment has become more challenging, and yes, we’re currently seeing stabilising yields and some price corrections. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take advantage of this difficult environment to grow stronger. We’re also a developer with entrepreneurial professionals in place to go beyond operational asset management and into our 360° circular approach, focusing on adding value to existing portfolios in addition to acquiring new assets.”
A big thanks to PropertyNL’s Wabe Van Enk for the interview!
#GoGoGARBE #PropertyNL #Logistics #RealEstate #BeyondLogistics #Realestate #netherlands #GarbeIndustrialRealEstate #GarbeInstitutionalCapital
Lees hier het hele artikel: GARBE in PropertyNL